Rain on marble and masonry

There is a castle by the sea;
Children play and grow on the beach
Some swim in the surf while others kick sand,
Some are lost to the tide
Broken homes amongst the stones along the shoreline
Broken hearts make estuaries to the sea
And up above inside her tower stands Rapunzel
Screaming “Why has my god forsaken me?”
The Maiden’s tears are rain that drums upon the rooftops
It causes restless sleep for those inside instead
While down below the rain falls heavily unnoticed
It soaks the pillows of an uninviting bed
And on the beach in the charcoal black of nighttime
Hazy eyes look up at skies instead of stars
They don’t waste their light on shining for these children;
They’re destined dead, addicted, lost or behind bars
Fault lines lead like horse and steed back to the castle
Where people view with such indifference from their marbled balconies
As violent winds and waves come rising with the tide;
It claims more victims every time that it recedes

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